Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Chapter 8: Summary and Reflection

   The first 4 decades of the Nobel Prize, U.S scientist won 15 prizes and within the next 20, 42 were won. Scientist Pauling and Segré(a jew) co-discovered element 87, Francium. Pauling Applies to UC Berkeley but Lewis lost his application. Pauling and Segré made a crucial mistake in their scientific work. The name "masurium" was highly unliked and was changed to technetium, in Greek meaning "artificial", to mark the first man-made element. Two things discovered due to scientific mistakes is artificial radioactivity and fission.
   If Pauling had paid attention to simple chemistry when he began his studies on the the DNA strand he would've been credited for discovering the molecular structure of DNA. Pauling believed that the DNA structure was a triple helix, but when had it checked Pauling's work was told was wrong. Pauling politely ignored the response. He wanted his to be scientific priority.


  I enjoyed this chapter because it helps me and others who read it realize how important it is to pay attention to the minor details. It also shows how competitive the science field is when it comes to being discovered. If one were to continue in such a field it would be very difficult to be noticed and if you are close it seems to be very difficult all the well. Especially when being credited to work that YOU believe is absolutely correct.


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