Thursday, February 23, 2017

Chapter 18: Summary and Relfection


    Keane starts off by talking about precision and our methods of measuring. The NIST and BIPM are all the reason why we know how long a second really is. The international prototype kilogram is very important to the world of science. It is used for anything. It is a two-inch platinum cylinder. The security regarding this is very important because they do not want to loose the grooling work.

   A metal rod in Paris is mentioned andos 1.00.. meters. The distance at which light travels into a vacuum is 1/299,792,458th of a second. Atomic clocks made out of cesium are talked about as well by Keane. The atomic clocks helped us move away from the use of constellations. Through an error from the atomic clock, alpha was created.


  This chapter was an okay chapter. Though the thought of precise measurements on everything is both pleasing and frustrating. Frustrating because it just takes so much time that could be spent elsewhere. Pleasing because then everything will have an accurate length, etc.

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