Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Chapter 10: Summary and Reflection.


  In this chapter, Kean discusses how some elements were used as ailments. For example, the Romans supposedly enjoyed and better lifestyle because they ate their food off of a silver platters. Gadolinium and vanadium were described by their medical uses in medicines. Vanadium could be used as a spermicide and to help raise or lower glucose levels. Gadolinium helps MRI scans detect tumors in a body, it can also help attack the tumors. Pasteur came up with the idea that basically everything is left handed. Pasteur made this discovery at the age of 26 with scientific roof to back up his theory.
  Gerhard Domagk is discussed by Kean and how his daughter fell down the stairs and got a bacterial infection from puncturing herself with a needle. Gerhard unknowingly discovered a cure, sadly it only helped her somewhat. Gerhard had injected his daughter with prontosil and it only helped cure her a little bit. He went to Pasteur to help get his cure patent and find out how it worked, but got denied. Only because it was the sulfonamide that did the curing. After many sulfur based medicines were being created in attempt to cure many other things.

   I enjoyed this chapter. It talked about how these elements can als help give life. It was a nice uplift from the previous chapter. The thought of turning blue if ingesting too much silver is so bizarre to me. If I were to explain this to my bae i would try and make it sound a bit more exciting than Kean described some of the things because my bae is more of a biology kind of guy.

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