Thursday, February 23, 2017

Chapter 19: Summary and Reflection.


  In the final chapter(Yay!!) of the book, Keane mentions how rare Francium is. He talks about how if Francium is rare then looking for astatine would be more difficult. Making a joke about how Francium is common enough. Also that if you were to encounter astatine, you would die of harmful exposure.

  Keane also mentions that elements 112 and 116 are calmer when in the presence of element 114. Calling it the "island of stability". He talks about the future of the periodic table. Many people believe it will end at element 137. Also that according to Einstein anything past element 137 should be physically impossible.


  The ending was similar to the beginning. Talking about the periodic table. The book itself was good at times and just exhausting to read at others. Though overall I did enjoy my experience and I don't think I would ever read this book again because it is unnecessarily long and just frustrating to read. (:

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