Thursday, February 23, 2017

Chapter 17: Summary and Reflection


  In this chapter, Keane talks about a man named Donald Glaser. Glaser took up an interest in bubbles. He created what is called the bubble chamber. He started off with beer bubbles, then when that didn't work out to well he moved onto liquid nitrogen. Donald earned a Noble prize for the bubble chamber.

  Keane then moves on and talks about a man named Ernest Rutherford. Rutherford believed that he
had a simpler way to do one of Marie Curie's many experiments. He studied the gasses released by the radioactive elements that he was working with. Rutherford ended up discovering new a new element and beta particles.

  In all honesty these chapters seem to be getting a bit boring. If i were to have to describe this to my bae i think the only thing i would talk to them about the ridiculous name for bubble chamber. It sounds too cutesy to have won a Noble Prize.

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