Thursday, February 23, 2017

Chapter 15: Summary and Reflection


William Crookes comes from a poor background. he also wrote a book about diamonds to earn money and support his family. A megalodon is a myth, but s still believed to exist in the ocean. It is a difficult thing to prove to not exist since the creature is said to live in the ocean. Pathological scientist are scientist that use their knowledge to explain a phenomenon.

  A "cold fusion" is a nuclear fussion room at room temperature. A man named William Roentgen Discovered the x-ray, but his reaction to it was different from Pons and Fleischmann's reaction. Rather than jumping the gun like Pons and Fleischmann's, William retested.


    I enjoyed this chapter because it talked about mythical creatures. Its sad to hear that William's wife thought her x-ray was a sign of death, but also sort of funny. If i were explain this to bae I'd tell them that this chapter could've been in one of those monster mystery shows.

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